
Source language(s): Chinese, English Target language(s): Thai Details of the project: 语言对:简中-泰语 类型:短剧/长剧字幕类 项目时长:长期合作 招募对象:兼职自由译者 招募流程: 通过免费测试(2分钟)>注册签 约译者平台>参与项目> 次月支付 译员要求: 1. 中文专业或有HSK5以上证书的泰语母语 者,或泰语专业的中国人,本科以上学历。 2. 2年以上中泰本地化经验 、1年以上视频类 字...
Job details中到泰语字幕翻译

We are looking for linguists who are good in either Medical, IT, Marketing or Mechanical field

Source language(s): English Target language(s): Japanese Details of the project: Language pair: English-Japanese Type: Translation, MTPE, editingWe are looking for linguists who are good in either Medical, IT, Marketing or Mechanical field.If you a...
Job detailsWe are looking for linguists who are good in either Medical, IT, Marketing or Mechanical field

Energy economics

Set out the economic, technical and operational elements included in the calculation of the Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) metric. Considering the strengths and weaknesses of the metric, to what extent do you agree that LCOE is a useful metric fo...
Job detailsEnergy economics