Please listen to Korean Youtube videos and accurately translate them into English written text

Source language(s): Korean, English
Target language(s): English, Korean
Details of the project: Please listen to Korean Youtube videos and accurately translate them into English written text.

Ensure proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in the tra...

Job detailsPlease listen to Korean Youtube videos and accurately translate them into English written text

We are in search of meticulous and enthusiastic authentic speakers to join our dynamic team

Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Turkish, Swedish, English, Vietnamese
Details of the project: We are in search of meticulous and enthusiastic authentic speakers to join our dynamic team for this annotation proj...

Job detailsWe are in search of meticulous and enthusiastic authentic speakers to join our dynamic team

Seeking to hire Japanese to Hindi, Japanese to Tamil and Japanese to Telegu translators

Source language(s): Japanese
Target language(s): Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
Details of the project: We are looking for freelance Japanese to Tamil, Japanese to Hindi and Japanese to Telegu translators.
This job is: already available.

We want to pay for t...

Job detailsSeeking to hire Japanese to Hindi, Japanese to Tamil and Japanese to Telegu translators

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Branch ISD Special EducationThe Branch ISD Special Education Department serves students pre-K to age 26 with mild to severe impairments and works closely with the local schools in Branch County to provide: instructional services, hearing and vision ser...

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