
1.日期:11月5日-7日,共3天 2.具体项目地点:美国迈阿密 3.工作内容(行业领域,口译背景介绍): 电子产品,公司经营美容仪和按摩仪产品,外贸公司,涉及和客户的商务谈判,客户德国人和美国人都有,内容主要围绕知识产权相关,需要译员在经贸,商务或者电子等行业深耕。 5.有会议场景,业务谈判和技术交流都会涉及,人数10人以内...
Job details迈阿密当地,中英商务口译译员,11月5日-7日

Legal files

I have several legal files that I need translated in a few days. I can do most but I need a collaborator to help me with about 10k. Contact me with your experience and best possible rates at [email protected]
Job detailsLegal files