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Discussion replies

I need someone to respond to the following post: I dont know how its done.

Hello, the confusion that occurs in diabetes is caused by several aspects, mainly associated with a person’s health and the complexity of the illness. Firstly, the...

Job detailsDiscussion replies


There’s a lot of writing below, but basically you’re writing to the charity gain permission for me to put them on our website. Any details you need for me please don’t hesitate to ask..

I would like you to write off to these companies and get permissi...

Job detailsPermission

Website copywriting

Hope you are well.

My name is Hayley and I am the owner of a luxury wedding marketing agency. I am also a copywriter and I currently write all of the website copy myself but I am looking for some help with some of the websites I manage. I didn't know...

Job detailsWebsite copywriting


I require translation services to take an English language text of approximately 500 words and translate it to German. The source text discusses general topics around lifestyle, health and wellness. It contains no proper nouns or specialized terminolo...

Job detailsTranslation