Source language(s): Norwegian, English
Target language(s): English, Norwegian
Details of the project: We are in search of meticulous and enthusiastic authentic Norwegian speakers to join our dynamic team for this annotation project.
If you have a high level of independence, a keen eye for detail and a passion for English language, you could be the person we’re looking for.
You must be physically located in Norway.
Questions? Please apply and contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you!
This job is: already available.
We want to pay for this job: 50 EUR per hour
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 06/30/2025
This posting to be kept / deleted: Delete this ad from the site after the deadline for applying.
Contact person: [Hidden by TD]
Company name: [Hidden by TD]
Country: Norway
Website: [Hidden by TD]
IP: (Shanghai, China)
Posted on: Tuesday, 25 Mar 2025, 12:33:47