Title: Part-Time Social Media Assistant for Twitter, Threads & Reels
Hey there, Social Media Rockstars! I’m looking for a reliable part-time assistant to manage our presence on Threads and Twitter—posting tweets, engaging with followers, and scheduling Reels across multiple profiles. We only need about 1–2 hours of your time per day, making this a perfect side gig for someone who lives and breathes social media. If you’re organized, creative, and ready to take our online presence to the next level, I’d love to hear from you! (ONLY UK/USA/AUS/CA based people)
Type of copywriting: Social media
Length of copy / word count: 5-10
Subject: content marketing on twitter & threads
Knowledge of subject: Yes, but just an interest is fine
Language(s): English
Language level: Native (first language)
Delivery date: 13/01/2025