Title: Labeling Verification – Japanese or Korean, No Testing Required
Project Description: Verify that the language, reading number, and text content recognized by the scan are correct.
Position: Japanese/Korean Labeling Verification
Requirements: Medium to long-term project
Applicant requirements:
1. Able to read and write Japanese/Korean, and can correct errors
2. 2-8h of quality control per day, the more the better.
3. Good understanding of rules
If you are interested, please contact: [email protected]
In order to prioritize your letter, please provide the following information:
E-mail Subject: Application for Japanese/Korean Markup Verification
Body of the e-mail:
1. Name: E-mail: WeChat:
2.Job Application: Japanese/Korean Labeling Proofreader
3. Resume
Note: If you do not follow the requirements of the letter, you may miss your mail, please follow the requirements of the letter!