Voquent is seeking experienced subtitlers for possible work on 640 minutes of educational content (language learning for children) in the following languages:
Hmong, Haitian Creole, Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, Brazilian Portuguese, Vietnamese, Russian
and Mandarin (Simplified Chinese).
Please apply by letting us know your rates for both of the following scenarios:
• Subtitling & Translation
Translate from English (transcripts will be provided in SRT format with timestamps) and adapt the translations into subtitles, following industry standards. The delivery format should be SRT. Please note that the speech will already be translated.
• Spotting / Adaptation Only
Adapt the supplied translations (without timestamps) to create subtitles that match the speech in the video. The delivery format should be SRT.
Please also let us know your estimated turnaround time for completing each scenario and the software you will use. Job would likely start in the new year.
Note: Translations may already be provided in the target language, but please include rates for both translation and adaptation.
We look forward to your response!