English to Sikkimese, Lepcha, Ladakhi, Purgi, Shina, Balti, Nisi, Garo, Dafla translators required

Source language(s): English
Target language(s): English, Sikkimese, Lepcha, Ladakhi, Purgi, Shina, Balti, Nisi, Garo, plethora and Dafla languages
Details of the project: Hello,

We are looking for English to Sikkimese, Lepcha, Ladakhi, Purgi, Shina, Balti, Nisi, Garo, Dafla translators.

Please share your CVs and per word rates.
This job is: already available.

We want to pay for this job: 0.15 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies
Deadline for applying: 09/24/2024
This posting to be kept / deleted: Delete this ad from the site after the deadline for applying.
Contact person: [Hidden by TD]
Country: India

Website: [Hidden by TD]
IP: (N/A)
Posted on: Monday, 17 Jun 2024, 11:19:21

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