Song titles and artist names, 84 words, Estonian check and translation

We have a list of 15 song titles in Estonian, as well artist names.

We would like

1. Native check (proofreading) by a native Estonian speaker, including spelling and punctuation, etc.

2. Translation to English. (We are going to translate from English to Japanese after that, so we would like background information for proper nouns, and we may ask you questions for clarification of meaning)

We are looking for someone who is detail-oriented and who can reply promptly and could deliver it soon, within a day or so.

To be qualified, being a native speaker of Estonian is a MUST.
Positive client review on PROZ preferred.

Please send us your suggested schedule and a flat-rate quote.

Once we place an order and after your delivery, payment will be made by PayPal.

If you would like the text for a quote, I could send it to you.

Thank you!

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