Technical translation/MTPE (power tools: angle grinder, sabre saw): EN to HE, NL

1. English-to-Hebrew MTPE reviewer.
2. English-to-Dutch MTPE reviewer.

As briefly mentioned, I am on the look-out for a technical translator with experience in translating instruction manuals of power tools.

I have a confirmed order for a translation of ~10 instruction manuals with a total word count of around 20k words. These are manuals of:
– rotary hammer,
– cordless drills,
– impact wrench,
– angle grinder,
– screwdriver,
– etc.

It will be an MTPE job. This project will be run via Trados on .sdlxliff files.

It will ready to be assigned to you on Monday/Tuesday, Mar 18/19.

Kindly apply via Proz and mention to me few words about:
– your experience with translations of power tools / technical documentation of products,
– your experience with MTPE,
– your ‘per word’ rate and availability (e.g. if I assign a 5k word MTPE job on today/Feb 7, then when can you deliver?).

Looking forward to your applications.

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