5-minute English > Somali translation, housing safety

We have a new project for a short video that is five and a half minutes long.

The video is in English and is about safety in an apartment community.

We’ll be able to send you an English .srt file and the video once we have the go-ahead from the client.

We’ll need the .srt to be translated into Somali. All we need you to do is replace the English in the .srt file with your Somali translations.

Can you take this for a 1 day turnaround beginning from when we send you the English .srt and the video? We do not know when the project will become active, but it likely will happen within teh next week.

Please let us know your rate for this project in US dollars per video minute. Again, this video is five and a half minutes long.

We can pay via Paypal, Bank Transfer, or corporate check. We do not cover any payment or transfer fees issued by banks. Our bank has an international transfer fee of $45, so Paypal should be optimal for this project.

Please let me know if you can take this project as soon as you are able to. Thanks!

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